
Tuesday 25 December 2012

The Greatest Gift

Someone up there always has the last laugh....
Whether you choose to stay calm in misery, 
                   Or jump and scream and scoff....

Love is like a mother's embrace,
Warm and tender, sweet solace.

Friendship's like the safest bridge,
 stands like a rock, in a storm or a ridge.

Hope is like the beautiful rain,
cleanses the soul, nourishes the grain.

Happiness and Joy are the icing on the cake,
 make life pleasant, the more we partake.

Blessed are those who have them all-
Greatest gifts of God, after all!!!

Scoff: To speak with contempt
Solace: To alleviate, as grief; soothe
Ridge: crest of a wave or mountain
partake: To take or have a share 

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