
Thursday 30 August 2012

Sympathies with Mr. PM

Poor Mr. PM, he comes up with a speech
 so pertinent and perspicuous,
   Only to end up being termed 
an error so egregious!

On one hand, he has the opposition
 who claim his statements to be utterly factitious,
On the other, his own party
 is increasingly turning factious,

When will our politicos stop behaving like kids- 
so fractious!,
Oh God! If only all this drama 
were completely fictitious! 

pertinent:  to the point; fitting or appropriate
perspicuous:  lucid, clear, easily understood
egregious: conspicuously bad
factitious: false or artificial
factious: tending to promote internal dissent; forming groups within a group
fractious: unruly
fictitious: imaginary; invented

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Letter to the Coal Minister

Dear honorable Coal Minister,  

we believe you when you say 
you gained next to nothing 
in the now famous coal block allocation,

that the CAG and others are arrant fools
 to accuse such a noble, pious man of subornation,

that you should in fact, be praised 
for saving everyone the trouble
 of witnessing a fair and competitive auction,

and of course be applauded 
for your impressive works of supererogation!

arrant: downright; notoriously bad
subornation: to bribe; to prepare, provide or achieve by stealthy means
supererogation: doing more than is required
super= above, erogare= pay out